About Cecile
Cecile is a holistic therapist. Her approach to health and well-being focuses on considering the person as a whole rather than the individual symptoms, and
emphasizes self-compassion and empowerment .
As a spiritually conscious practitioner, she helps people with awakening to their lives.
I'm not here to tell you what to do
I'm here to listen very deeply
And to hear things that you may not be hearing
In order to guide you towards the breakthroughs that you're really wanting
We can find pathways to your freedom
Hi !
I'm Cecile Core,
a holistic therapist based in Montreal.
I work as a medium, an interpreter of messages. By definition, a medium is a means of transmitting a message, a decoder.
I serve as a catalyst to bring up intentions and as a reflector for you to see yourself.
To be aware and understand the messages that your physical and energetic Self is sending you.
I help you release blockages and enhance your mind-body-spirit connection.
What's hiding right before your eyes